Octave-MATLAB Examples


Plotting Tools

  1. contourPlot(Finline, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, Clist, n)

    An M-file function that automates plotting contours such as those below:

    \( (x^{2} - 1)(y^{2}-1) = C \)
    \( x \cos y - y \cos x = C\)

  2. integralPlot(Finline, x0, xMin, xMax, n, plotFtoo)

    An M-file function that automates the plot of an integral of a function:

    \( y(x) = \int_{1}^{x}{\frac{\sin t}{t} dt} \)
    \( y = \int_{1}^{x}{\frac{1-\cos x}{x} dt} \)
    integralPlot of (1 - Cos(x))/x

  1. directionFieldPlot(dydxInline, xyMin, xyMax, nXY, useArrows)

    An M-file function that automates the direction field plot of a first-order ODE such as those shown below:

    \(\frac{dy}{dx} = y(4-y^{2}) \)
    direction field plot of dy/dx = y(4-y^2)
    \(\frac{dy}{dx} = -\frac{x}{y} \)
    direction field plot of dy/dx = -x/y

Conformal Maps of the Complex Plane

  1. Image of a Square Grid under \(w = Az\)

    w = Az Image

  2. Image of a Circular Grid under \( w = z^{2}\)


  3. Image of a Square Grid under \( w = z^{2}\)

    z^2 SquaredRectGridCropped

  4. Image of a Grid of Truncated Sectors under \( w = \frac{1}{z} \)


  5. Image of a Grid of Truncated Sectors under the Mobius Map \( w = -\frac{z-0.5}{0.5z-1}\)

    Image of Circular Grid under z = -(z-0.5)/(0.5z-1)