Affine Ciphers    Spring 2014 - Fall 2020

A cipher with an encryption/decryption function of the form $$ f(c) = (sc + b) \bmod 26 $$ where $$\gcd(s, 26) = 1$$

is known as an Affine Cipher. The special case when $s = -1$ and $b = 25$ is known as the Atbash Cipher $$ a(c) = (25 - c) \bmod 26.$$

Instructions: To encrypt or decrypt text

  1. Enter the text in the first text field,
  2. Select the scale factor and shift amount, and
  3. Select whether or not the Atbash method is applied (first or last).
  4. Click the Apply button.

  Select the Encryption/Decryption Parameters  

Prof. A. O. Hausknecht, Mathematics, UMass Dartmouth